What's in a name?
To all those who question or wonder about the spelling of the company’s name, please understand the following explaination.
In the journey to start the company the name "Phoenix" seemed fitting because of its meaning and symbolism. The goal was to choose a name that would stand out and be original, with the spelling of the name. The first idea was to spell "Phoenix" with an "e" instead of "i" because it would be original and stand out but chose to use the traditional spelling "Phoenix" based on discussions with family and friends.
However when the the name was filed every variation of “Phoenix Electric” was taken, so I decided to go with one of the non-traditional spellings (phoenex, phoenyx, fenix, fenyx) based on the original plan.
What you may not have considered, is that there are many companies who spell their names creatively and not correctly such as:
- Cingular
- Citigroup
- Dunkin' Donuts
- E-Z Pass
- Kraft
- Krispy Kream
- Moviefone
- Paychex
- Pubix Super Markets
- Supervalu
- Toys "R" Us
- Qwest Communications